Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Get Rich Click - Is it true?

I wanted to tell you about a hot new business book that recently hit the market called Get Rich Click! Yes, it's the book you've heard about ... in the last month alone it's become a New York Times Bestseller, #1 at Barnes and Noble, #1 in the Wall Street Journal, and #1 in USA Today! 

The book, written by Marc Ostrofsky, is "The Ultimate Guide to Making Money on the Internet". You most likely heard about some of Marc's incredible success online including when he sold the domain name Business.com for a Guinness Book of World Record price of $7.5 Million. What you don't know is that he also got a percentage ownership in Business.com, which they later sold for $345 Million! You should know, Marc started with $5000 and now his internet firms gross over $75 Million a YEAR.
Marc is FINALLY sharing his secrets with us. Look who is endorsing it:   (Jack Canfield, Stephen Covey, David Bach, Brian Tracy, Joel Comm, Bill Walsh, Mike Koenigs, Keith Ferrazi, Mike Filsaime, Robert Allen, Anthony Morrison, Mark Victor Hansen, and others).

He's put together an insane offer for people to help them get started.  His offer is simple, buy a copy of Get Rich Click! and you get some ridiculous bonuses he set up.

The amount of useful information in this book is amazing....hundreds of different ways to make money in our "internet based" world. You will learn how people and businesses make money with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and even YouTube. You will learn how to make money in the domain name business, in the information marketing business, in the affiliate marketing space, and how Marc's own companies do $75 Million a year. You will read a variety of case studies on how others make money online and my favorite chapter, how to make money starting with no money!

The book stands on it's own, but Marc is throwing in bonuses anyway!

BONUS 1: A free copy of his "The A to Z Rules of Online Success" (normally $19.95)

BONUS 2: Over $500 in internet advertising (places like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, etc)

CLICK HERE to reserve your copy of the book and get all of the FREE BONUS items now, and be sure to tell your friends, family and social networks about this amazing new book!

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